本通知描述如何使用和披露您的医疗信息,以及您如何获得这些信息. PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY.


Abingdon Fire Co., Inc. (“AFC”)应法律要求维护某些机密医疗保健信息的隐私, known as Protected Health Information or PHI, 并向您提供我们关于您的个人信息的法律义务和隐私惯例的通知. 亚足联亦须遵守本通告现行有效版本的条款.


Uses and Disclosures of PHI:

AFC may use PHI for the purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations, in most cases without your written permission. Examples of our use of your PHI:


For treatment.

这包括从你和其他人那里获得关于你的医疗状况和治疗的口头和书面信息, such as doctors and nurses who give orders to allow us to provide treatment to you. We may give your PHI to other health care providers involved in your treatment, and may transfer your PHI via radio or telephone to the hospital or dispatch center.


For payment.

这包括我们必须进行的任何活动,以便为我们向您提供的服务获得报销, including such things as submitting bills to insurance companies, making medical necessity determinations and collecting outstanding accounts.  


For health care operations. 

This includes quality assurance activities, licensing, 以及培训项目,以确保我们的员工符合我们的护理标准,并遵循既定的政策和程序, as well as certain other management functions.


Reminders for Scheduled Transports and Information on Other Services. 

我们也可能与您彩乐园APP,提醒您任何非紧急救护车和医疗运输的预约, or to provider information about other services we provide. 


Use and Disclosure of PHI Without Your Authorization. 

AFC is permitted to use PHI without your written authorization, or opportunity to object, in certain situations, and unless prohibited by a more stringent state law, including:  


•For the treatment, 为您治疗的其他医疗保健提供者的付款或医疗保健操作活动; 

•For health care and legal compliance activities;

•To a family member, other relative, 或亲密的私人朋友或其他参与照顾您的人,如果我们获得您的口头同意,或如果我们给您机会反对此类披露,而您没有提出异议, 以及在某些其他情况下,我们无法获得您的同意,并相信披露符合您的最佳利益;

•在法律规定的某些情况下(如报告虐待行为)向公共卫生当局报告, neglect or domestic violence;

•For health oversight activities including audits or government investigations, inspections, disciplinary proceedings, 以及政府(或其承包商)依法为监督医疗保健系统而采取的其他行政或司法行动;

•根据法院或行政命令的要求进行司法和行政诉讼, or in some cases in response to a subpoena or other legal process; 


•For military, national defense and security and other special government functions;

•To avert a serious threat to the health and safety of a person or the public at large;

•For workers’ compensation purposes, and in compliance with workers’ compensation laws;

•To coroners, medical examiners, and funeral directors for identifying a deceased person, determining cause of death, or carrying on their duties as authorized by law;

•If you are an organ donor, we may release health information to organizations that handle organ procurement or organ, eye or tissue transplantation or to an organ donation bank, as necessary to facilitate organ donation and transplantation;

•For research projects, but this will be subject to strict oversight and approvals;



Any other use or disclosure of PHI, other than those listed above will only be made with your written authorization.  You may revoke your authorization at any time, in writing, 除非我们已经根据该授权使用或披露了医疗信息.    


Patient Rights: 

As a patient, you have a number of rights with respect to your PHI, including:


The right to access, copy or inspect your PHI. 

这意味着您可以查阅和复制我们保存的大部分您的医疗信息.  We will normally provide you with access to this information within 30 days of your request.  我们还可能向您收取合理的费用,让您复制您有权访问的任何医疗信息. In limited circumstances, we may deny you access to your medical information, and you may appeal certain types of denials.  我们有要求查阅您个人信息的表格,如果我们拒绝您查阅,我们将提供书面回复,并告知您的上诉权利. You also have the right to receive confidential communications of your PHI.  如果您希望查看和复制您的医疗信息,请彩乐园APP的隐私官.


The right to amend your PHI.

您有权要求我们修改我们可能掌握的有关您的书面医疗信息.  我们通常会在收到您的请求后60天内修改您的信息,并在我们修改信息时通知您.  法律允许我们仅在特定情况下拒绝您修改医疗信息的请求, like when we believe the information you have asked us to amend is correct.  If you wish to request that we amend the medical information that we have about you, you should contact our privacy officer.


The right to request an accounting. 

您可以要求我们提供在您提出请求之日之前的六年内我们对您的医疗信息的某些披露的账目.  我们不需要向您提供我们为处理目的而使用或披露的信息, payment or health care operations, or when we share your health information with our business associates, like our billing company or a medical facility from/to which we have transported you.  我们也不需要向您提供我们对您已给予我们书面授权的受保护健康信息的使用情况.  If you wish to request an accounting, contact our privacy officer.  


The right to request that we restrict the uses and disclosures of your PHI.

您有权要求我们限制我们使用和披露您的医疗信息的方式.  AFC is not required to agree to any restrictions you request, but any restrictions agreed to by AFC in writing are binding on AFC.


Internet, Electronic Mail, and the Right to Obtain Copy of Paper Notice on Request. 

If we maintain a web site, we will prominently post a copy of this Notice on our web site. If you allow us, 我们会以电子邮件而非纸张形式将本通知书转寄给你,你可随时索取本通知书的纸张副本.


Revisions to the Notice: 

AFC reserves the right to change the terms of this Notice at any time, 这些变化将立即生效,并将适用于我们保留的所有受保护的健康信息.  本通知的任何重大变更将立即张贴在我们的设施和网站上, if we maintain one.  You can get a copy of the latest version of this Notice by contacting our privacy officer. 


Your Legal Rights and Complaints: 

You also have the right to complain to us, 或向美国卫生与公众服务部部长举报,如果你认为你的隐私权受到了侵犯. 您不会因向我们或政府投诉而受到任何形式的报复.  Should you have any questions, comments or complaints you may direct all inquiries to our privacy officer.  


Privacy Officer Contact Information: 

Privacy Officer

Abingdon Fire Co., Inc.
3306 Abingdon Road
Abingdon, MD 21009



Effective Date of the Notice:  April 14, 2003